Sep 28, 2014

cbx750 cafe racer

I've been seeing their works on sale on a local online marketplace. This is the best that I like.
Imagine from an ugly CBX750 police bike to a gorgeous cafe racer like this. Good job.
Built by Kerkus Cycle from Malaysia.

Sep 14, 2014

RnineT Custom Project 2

It's always cool too see the works from different bike builders base on the same project bike.
The details of the project here.

Shiro Nakajima 中嶋 志朗 - 49Works

 Hideya Togashi 富樫 秀哉 - Hide Motorcycle

 Go Takamine 高嶺 剛 - Brat Style

 kaichiro Kurosu 黒須 嘉一郎 - Cherry's Company